Parma LX1602 quartz heater has 4 lamps with a maximum power of 2000W (power ideal for home use) and because it has a large reflective surface it dissipates the heat in an ideal way.
Parma LX1602 quartz heater has 4 lamps with a maximum power of 2000W (power ideal for home use) and because it has a large reflective surface it dissipates the heat in an ideal way.
The Vitaquick pressure cooker has a capacity of 8 liters and can meet the needs of a family of five.
The users who have bought it distinguish it mainly because it cooks quickly and is easy to use.
The Vitaquick pressure cooker has a capacity of 8 liters and can meet the needs of a family of five.
The users who have bought it distinguish it mainly because it cooks quickly and is easy to use.