Midea KJ350G-S1 Air Purifier, recommended for areas up to 43m2. It features Hepa filter that cleans the atmosphere from viruses up to 99.9%, electronic display with air quality indicator PM2.5 for easy operation and 1-8 hours timer.
Midea KJ350G-S1 Air Purifier, recommended for areas up to 43m2. It features Hepa filter that cleans the atmosphere from viruses up to 99.9%, electronic display with air quality indicator PM2.5 for easy operation and 1-8 hours timer.
70L capacity and energy class A, to cook delicious delicacies as often as you want! It also has 9 different modes of operation to "take off" the taste effect!
70L capacity and energy class A, to cook delicious delicacies as often as you want! It also has 9 different modes of operation to "take off" the taste effect!
Sound equipment designed to provide entertainment must satisfy the needs of users who appreciate dynamic and clear sound, as well as high quality workmanship and aesthetic values. It should also be simple and intuitive to use.
Sound equipment designed to provide entertainment must satisfy the needs of users who appreciate dynamic and clear sound, as well as high quality workmanship and aesthetic values. It should also be simple and intuitive to use.
Thanks to the optimized airflow convection, it creates rapid hot air to cook the food faster and much more evenly to deliver the fried perfection you’re craving
Thanks to the optimized airflow convection, it creates rapid hot air to cook the food faster and much more evenly to deliver the fried perfection you’re craving